
Preparing to go abroad includes more than just purchasing flights and getting courses figured out. Students need to think through their identities and the locations that they will be traveling to. 当你探索你的留学选择, think through the different aspects of your identity and learn more about the location you will be traveling to. 花点时间去了解社会规范, 文化的观点, and more that will help you navigate how aspects of your identity may be perceived where you will be going. 

It is good to also learn more about the locations for the identities below that you may not hold so you can be the best advocate while abroad. 

在研究你的项目位置时, please know that the 国外的教育 office is here to help and talk through anything you find while researching. 



每年有超过450名学生出国留学, it is increasingly important to foster and encourage LGBTQ+ students to enrich their higher education experience through study abroad, while having resources that support a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Many countries view gender identity, expression, and perception in different ways. It is important to consider how your gender identity and/or sexual orientation may have an impact on your experience abroad.


  • 人们对LGBT+群体有什么看法?
  • 我愿意去一个不容忍LGBT+身份的地区吗?
  • 性和性别话题是公开讨论的吗?
  • 我可以用我喜欢的名字吗? 


  • 了解公开LGBT+身份和行为的法律后果.
  • 了解你所在大学和社区的支持服务.
  • Understand social attitudes toward sexual and gender non-conforming identities.




Studying abroad has grown into an integral part of the university experience. This means many universities around the world are expanding their resources to meet the different needs of students. It is important for students who experience disability to discuss past and current mental health and/or 医疗 concerns with an 国外的教育 team member so we can provide the best support. All students who plan to study abroad are required to complete the Health Information Collection and Medical Consultation forms. Disclosing your 访问ibility needs to 国外的教育 staff early is highly recommended.

Students registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) who are eligible for on-campus accommodation may also be eligible for accommodations overseas when it can be arranged. 任何网站都有可能被访问. Students are encouraged to speak with SAS to discuss and identify potential reasonable accommodations they may need overseas.  SAS也可能与海外教育和海外员工合作.



  • 我在国外时如何提前计划管理我的需要?
  • 我是否需要携带额外的设备来满足我身体活动的需要?
  • 在选择课程之前,我应该联系哪些学生服务机构?
  • 如果我利用学术, 医疗, 心理, 或其他资源, 这些在国外也能买到吗?


  • Learn about physical 访问ibility within student housing, campus, and the host country.
  • Familiarize yourself with the host university’s physical and mental health services.
  • 向你的医生咨询延长的处方续药.
  • 阅读东道国文化对残疾的看法, 访问, and health; just as cultures differ, 对残疾和住宿的看法也是如此.



大多数的美国人.S. 海外教育的参与者都是女性!

It is important for women travelers to consider women’s issues in other countries that are similar to those faced in the U.S. Being aware of the different cultural norms for women around the world helps facilitate an international experience that is safe and fulfilling. 以下是你在准备旅行时需要考虑的一些想法.


  • 在美国我该如何培养安全意识.S.?
  • 当我在国外时,什么情况会使我处于弱势地位?
  • 如果我受到不必要的关注,我该怎么办?


  • 在出发前的指导中了解安全和授权.
  • 了解东道国的文化规范和性别动态.
  • 了解你所在的大学和当地社区的支持服务.
  • Learn travel safety tips from students who have studied abroad, and your program manager.




我们知道,出国留学对每个人来说都是一段不同的旅程, as students approach this journey with unique identities and lived experiences. 作为一个多元文化的学生, you may have specific questions about what to expect when studying abroad. Racial and ethnic identity play different roles in different regions of the world. Learning about the varying attitudes of multiculturalism outside of the United States. will help you navigate a host country’s social norms, and build a meaningful experience abroad.


  • 我的种族认同在美国是如何被认知的? 这在我的东道国会有所不同吗?
  • 所在国的人会如何看待我作为美国人的身份.S. 公民?
  • 这将是我作为少数民族第一次在国外的经历吗?
  • 如果我受到歧视,我该如何应对?


  • 了解你的东道国的种族动态.
  • 建立紧急支援和通讯网络.
  • 如果你计划旅行,寻找安全的路线和住宿地点.
  • 了解你.S. 政治和我们与其他国家的关系.



One of the biggest myths about education abroad is that student athletes will not be able to participate. St. Cloud State offers study abroad programs at various times throughout the year, 包括暑期, 冬天, 还有春假.

出国留学可以塑造你的动力, 帮助你建立长久的友谊, 让你从同龄人中脱颖而出. 出国留学有很多要求和回报. With the proper planning education abroad is an opportunity to challenge yourself and excel.

Here are some things to consider as you explore your global opportunities.


  • 我什么时候出国留学最好?
  • 我在国外如何保持身材?
  • What are some non-physical skills I would like to focus on developing while abroad?
  • 我怎样才能在精神上和身体上做好回归球队的准备?


  • Discuss your travel interests with your coach to learn about optimal times to study abroad.
  • Speak with an 国外的教育 staff on ways to keep up with off-season training. You can also work with your coach on creating a workout routine before going.
  • 与你所在大学的体育系取得联系.



作为退伍军人或现役军人的学生, you may be able to apply your educational benefits to SCSU’s education abroad opportunities. Planning ahead will ensure that we can help you optimize your international journey. Please meet with an 国外的教育 team member and the Veterans Resource Center to discuss the steps you can take now.


  • 《博彩网站推荐》®涵盖的海外教育项目费用是多少?
  • What are the documents I need to prepare in order to apply VA benefits for study abroad?
  • How can I resolve scheduling conflicts between my education abroad program and my training?


  • Meet with your academic or major advisor to create a list of courses that will apply to your degree program.
  • Determine whether or not your housing expenses will be covered by GI Bill® benefits.
  • Talk to your education abroad program manager to discuss the cost breakdown of your specific program.



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联系国外教育 我们的团队是来帮忙的

电子邮件: educationabroad@orbital-design.com